Sunday, December 27, 2009

Forum Perdana Sempena Maal Hijrah di Masjid Al-Falah, Kg Jenjarom

Duduk dari kiri Ustaz Zainal Abidin Yusuf (moderator), Ustaz Halim Din (ahli panel) dan Ustaz Mohd Kamil Sidek (ahli panel)
Layar yang disediakan pihak urusetia di luar masjid menjadikan peserta forum khususnya kaum muslimah dapat mengikuti forum dengan lebih selesa
Para muslimah sedang mengikuti forum perdana.
Sebahagian pengunjung muslimin asyik mengikuti forum

Seperti yang dirancang Forum Perdana anjuran Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah Kuala Langat (PAID), JKKK Kg Jenjarom dan Masjid Al-Falah Kg Jenjarom telah berjaya diadakan pada 9 Muharam 1431H bersamaan 26 Disember 2009 di Masjid Al-Falah Kg Jenjarom. Forum yang bertemakan MEMANTAP UKHUWAH MEMPERKASA UMMAH dipengerusikan oleh Ustaz Zainal Abidin Yusuf dari Bahagian Perundangan Keluarga, JAIS dengan ahli panelnya yang terdiri daripada Ustaz Halim Din dari Lembaga Zakat Selangor dan Ustaz Mohd Kamil Sidek dari Jabatan Pelajaran selangor. Forum bermula kira-kira jam 9.15 mlm dan berakhir pada jam 11.15 mlm. Cenderahati kepada moderator serta ahli panel ialah sumbangan Tn Hj Masri Ismail. Pihak urusetia mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam menjayakan program ini serta warga kampung yang hadir. Semoga usaha ini diberkati Allah.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dua Warga Kg Jenjarom Pulang Kerahmatullah

Pada jam 3.13 pagi, 23 Disember 2009 Ahmad Bin Muslim, 64 tahun (Selamat, Jalan Abu Masmoo) telah kembali kerahmatullah. Begitu juga dengan Ishak Bin Dikun (Jalan Haji Mashudi) yang kembali kerahmatullah pada pagi yang sama. Kedua-duanya telah selamat disemadikan kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi ini di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kg Jenjarom. Allahyarham Ahmad Bin Muslim menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Wad Neorologi, Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. Seluruh warga Kampung Jenjarom berdoa agar kedua-duanya ditempatkan di sisi orang-orang yang soleh. Insyaallah

Tuesday, December 22, 2009




26 DISEMBER 2009


USTAZ HALIM DIN – Lembaga Zakat Selangor
USTAZ KAMIL SIDEK – Jabatan Pelajaran Selangor


USTAZ ZAINAL ABIDIN YUSOF – Bah. Perundangan Keluarga JAIS



Muslimin muslimat dijemput hadir

Monday, December 21, 2009

Terkini Tentang Mangsa Kebakaran di Kg Jenjarom

Video yang diambil oleh Sdr Kamaruddin Juti melalui telefon bimbit

Sdr Hamdani Alias menerima sumbangan RM5000.00 daripada ZAKAT Selangor yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Mat Husain Bin Sabar, Ketua Operasi ZAKAT K. Langat sambil diperhatikan oleh Tn Hj Misnan Ahmad, Ketua Kg Jenjarom

Saya baru berkesempatan melihat tapak rumah sdr Hamdani Alias (Jalan Abu Masmoo) yang terbakar serta menziarah keluarga beliau yang telah berpindah di rumah sewa yang diusahakan oleh Sdr Md Nor Radiman dan Sdr Jurihan Yusof. Antara maklumat terkini yang saya peroleh ialah pihak ZAKAT Selangor telah menyampaikan sumbangan RM5000.00 dalam bentuk tunai serta bantuan persekolahan dan sewa rumah selama enam bulan. Setelah melakukan tinjuan terhadap tapak rumah, pihak ZAKAT akan membina rumah baru untuk keluarga sdr Hamdani di sebelah tapak rumah yang terbakar. Menurut Sdr Hamdani, pelbagai pihak telah membantunya meringankan beban terutama sekali dalam keadaan keluarganya yang tinggal sehelai sepinggang dan musim persekolahan yang akan bermula 2 minggu lagi. Antara yang banyak membantu ialah pihak JKKK, JKKKP dan warga Kampung Jenjarom. Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak yang telah menghulurkan bantuan kepada beliau.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rumah saudara Hamdani menantu arwah Hj Saring hangus terbakar

Kira-kira jam 4.00 petang, 18 Disember 2009 rumah saudara Hamdani yang terletak di Jalan Abu Masmoo, Kg Jenjarom telah musnah terbakar. Kejadian yang dipercayai disebabkan litar pintas ini menyebabkan keseluruhan harta benda yang terdapat di rumah tersebut musnah. Tinggallah keluarga ini sehelai sepinggang. Namun sikap prihatin masyarakat termasuk JKKK dan JKKKP kg Jenjarom telah membantu dengan memberikan sumbangan wang ringgit dan pakaian kepada keluarga malang ini. Sumbangan ini diharapkan dapatlah mengurangkan beban keluarga ini lebih-lebih lagi musim persekolahan akan bermula seminggu lagi. Pihak bomba sampai lewat di tempat kejadian kerana dipercayai gagal menemui Jalan Abu Masmoo kerana tanda nama jalan baru yang dipasang oleh pihak JKR ialah Jalan Abu Masimoo. Kini, buat sementara waktu keluarga ini tinggal di rumah saudara kandungnya yang kebetulan mereka tiga beradik tinggal berjiran. JKKK Kg Jenjarom berdoa agar keluarga saudara Hamdani bersabar dengan ujian Allah ini dan diberkati kehidupan mereka. JKKK juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan dan sumbangan pelbagai pihak kepada keluarga ini. Sesungguhnya kejadian ini telah membawa banyak hikmah khususnya dalam kalangan warga Kampung jenjarom. Warga Kampung Jenjarom tanpa mengira batas politik sama-sama menghulur bantuan kepada saudara Hamdani. Sikap positif seperti ini menjadi titik tolak kepada perpaduan yang sedia wujud dalam kalangan warga kampung untuk menjadi lebih kukuh.

Nota: Ketika ini penulis masih di berada Penang dan gambar yang terpapar sumbangan sdr Baharom sementara maklumat diperoleh daripada sdr Jurihan dan sdr Sarip.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kes Kecurian Motorsikal

Baru-baru ini telah berlaku satu kes kecurian motorsikal membabitkan seorang ahli jamaah Masjid al Falah iaitu Tuan Haji Mansor Radiman.Kejadian tersebut berlaku semasa beliau menunaikan solat Isyak di masjid dan apabila ingin pulang ke rumah,beliau mendapati motorsikal Kriss Modenas miliknya yang diletakkan bersebelahan tandas masjid telah tiada.Berikutan kejadian tersebut,beliau telah membuat laporan polis dan sehingga catatan ini ditulis,motorsikal tersebut masih belum dijumpai.
Justeru,pihak Masjid al Falah mengingatkan kepada semua jamaah agar tidak meninggalkan kunci di motorsikal dan juga mempastikan motorsikal dikunci ( lock handle ) semasa menunaikan solat di masjid untuk mengelakkan kejadian serupa berulang.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Usahawan Mascotek Kg Jenjarom

Tn Hj Masri Hj Ismail, pengasas Sri Ain D Herbs

Antara rencana yang dipaparkan di akhbar Utusan Malaysia hari ini. (11.12.2009)

Pada hari ini seorang usahawan mas cotek Kg Jenjarom, Tuan Hj Masri Bin Hj Ismail telah menghiasi ruangan sisipan MEGA Utusan Malaysia. Sesungguhnya kejayaan beliau menjadi kebanggaan warga Kg Jenjarom keseluruhannya. Syarikat Sri Ain D'Herbs ini mengeluarkan tiga jenis minuman iaitu minuman mas cotek (asli), mas cotek halia dan sri cotek cafe. semua produk dihasilkan di kilang syarikat ini di Sg Manggis, Banting. Sementara ladang mas cotek pula terletak di Jalan Hj Mashudi, Kg Jenjarom. Ladang mas cotek serta kilang pengeluarannya sering dilawati oleh pelbagai pihak sama ada pihak universiti yang menjalankan kajian tentang herba atau pun pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang berminat dengan tanaman ini. Maklumat lanjut berhubung Sri Ain D Herbs boleh diperoleh melalui laman ini Pengunjung blog ini yang berminat untuk menjadi pengedar mas cotek Sri Ain D Herbs juga boleh memperolehnya daripada laman tersebut.

Dalam mengembangkan perniagaannya Sri Ain D Herbs telah mengorak langkah mengambil selebriti Ifa Raziah sebagai duta produknya. Kini, Sri Ain D Herbs sedang membuat 'road tour' produknya ke seluruh negara termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak. Apa yang membanggakan ialah syarikat ini telah menawarkan peluang pekerjaan dalam kalangan warga Kg Jenjarom khususnya, sama ada bekerja di ladang mahupun di kilang pengeluarannya di Sg Manggis.

JKKK Kg Jenjarom mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Tn Hj Masri Hj Ismail dalam usaha beliau.

Sri Ain D Herbs boleh dihubungi melalui:
1: No. 52A & 52B, Jalan Emas 2, Bandar Sungai Emas,
42700 Banting, Selangor D.E
2: No. 2, IKS, Sg. Manggis, 42700 Banting, Selangor D.E
Tel: 603-3185 0478, 019-3788790
Fax: 603-3187 3301
Laman web:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nice Pictures from Islamic History

The Green Dome of Rowdah tur Rasool (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam)
Mazar Mubarak of Hazrat Yahya (John) (Peace be upon him) within the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus . Some scholars report that it is only the head of Yahya (Alaihissalam) that was found when the mosque was being refurbished during the Umayyad period. Others claim that the head of Yahya (John) Peace be upon him, is housed in the crypt below a mosque in the old city of Sebastiya near Nablus, and still others claim the head was buried at Muwakir, site near the Jordan river.
Mazar of Hazrat Nooh (Noah) in Baqa'a Valley in Lebanon . Some other scholars say that the Mazar of Hazrat Nooh can be in Jordan OR Lebanon OR Iraq. Allah knows the best.
The story of Hazrat Nooh (Noah) and the flood is found in a number of different passages in the Quran. Muslim scholars say that the Ark came to rest on Mount Judi and that Noah was buried nearby. Some claim that Hazrat Nooh founded a city called al-Thamanin ( i.e. "the Eighty) because there were 80 people on the Ark. Many scholars say that the first city founded by Hazrat Nooh, and where he was buried, was called "Karak."
The Mazar of Hazrat Yousuf (Joseph) is located in the city of Nablus or Shechem. The older, Ottoman-era tomb was replaced by Israeli authorities, and the Israeli site was attacked by Palestinians during the Intifada.

This sign marks the Maqam (where he prayed) OR the Qabr-e-Anwar of the prophet Hud (Peace be upon him) in Damascus . It is located in the Qiblah wall of the Umayyad mosque in the center of the old city. Some older traditions claim that this is actually the Mazar of Hazrat Hud, that he was buried inside this wall when the mosque was constructed in the early Umayyad period. The mosque also contains a well which is called the "Well of Hud." (Peace be upon him)
This black and white photograph was taken by W.H. Ingrams in the early twentieth century and published in the account of his travels to visit the tombs (Qabr) of Hazrat Salih (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Hud (peace be upon him) in the Hadhramawt. Ingrams reports that this tomb (Qabr) is 64 feet long. See: W.H. Ingrams, "Hadhramaut: A Journey to the Sei'ar Country and Through the Wadi Maseila," Geographic Journal 88 (1936): 524-51, esp. p. 535.
According to some traditions, these are the Mazarat of brothers of Hazrat Yousuf (Joseph) (Peace be upon him). Only the main dome is now intact. Beneath it is a triple mihrab surrounded with Fatimid-style calligraphy and decoration. Some evidence of a burial site is extant just to the west of the dome. The site is located in the Southern Cemetery in Cairo just north of the Lu'lu' Mosque.
Maqam Hazrat Salih in Sinai. According to some scholars, Hazrat Salih (Peace be upon him) stayed and prayed here.
The Mazar of Hazrat Salih (peace be upon him) is said to be located in Mada'in Salih, in Hijaz, or in the Hadhramawt. According to the local people in the Hadhramawt, Salih was the father of the prophet Hud, corresponding to the biblical Shelah father of Eber. Both Hud and Salih are said to have been giants, thus accounting for the extraordinary length of their tombs. According some scholars this is the Mazar of Hazrat Salih at Hasik.

The cave of Hazrat Loot (Lot) (Peace be upon him) is located just above the eastern edge of the Dead Sea . Some traditions refer to this cave as the burial place of Hazrat Loot ( Lot ). The prophet Lot (Lut) is mentioned by name 27 times in the Quran in several long passages that relate how he was sent to the people of Sodom . The cities destroyed by God include Sodom , Zeboiyim [Sab'ah], Zoar [Sa'rah], Gomorrah [Amarah], and Admah [Duma]. Q 51:33-34 mentions stones of clay marked by God which were caused to rain down upon the people of Lot (Peace be upon him) as punishment for their sins.
The Mount Nebo (Jabal Nebo) in the mountains on the east side of the Jordan Valley opposite the city of Jericho . The site is also revered by Muslims as one of the possible places for the Mazar of Hazrat Musa (Moses) (Peace be upon him) also known as the "Red Mound" [Ar. al-kathib al-ahmar].
Mazar Hazrat Yusha' bin Noon (Joshua b. Nun) (Peace be upon him) in the town of Zayy near the city of al-Salt in Jordan . The tomb itself is roughly 10 meters in length. Some scholars and travelers claim that this is actually the Mazar of the prophet Hosea [Ar. Hoshu'a] (Peace be upon him). Hazrat Prophet Joshua (Peace be upon him) is not mentioned by name in the Quran but Muslim scholars say that he is the "companion" of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) mentioned in the holy Qur'an (18:60-65) and he became prophet after Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him). Scholars on the narratives in the Quran referring to the Israelites' conquest of the Holy Land detail the stories associated with Joshua b. Nun. Ibn Kathir reports that Joshua was a great warrior and lived for 127 years.
Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Ayyub (Job) (Peace be upon him) in Salalah in the Dhofar region of eastern Oman
Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Ayyub (Job) (Peace be upon him) located on the hills overlooking the coastal city of Salalah in the Dhofar region of eastern Oman . The building containing the Mazar is surrounded by gardens, and the room itself is roughly 6 meters long.

the Mazar of Hazrat Imran is located in downtown Salalah in the Dhofar region of western Oman . Some believe that Hazrat Imran was a local Arab prophet, and others believe that the name is a reference to the father of Mary mother of Jesus (Peace be upon him) mention in the Quran, or the father of Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him) mentioned in the Bible.
These ruins used to be the palace of Queen Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba, perhaps one of those supposed to have been built by Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) (Peace be upon him). These ruins are located on the eastern coast of Oman just west of Salalah in the Dhofar region. It is thought that these ruins are to be identified with the city of Abyssopolis mentioned by the classical Greek geographer Pliny. Arabic sources maintain the city was built by King Aziz II who ruled over the Hadramawt in the first century CE. The city is now named Sumhurum and was excavated a number of times, including by Wendell Philips and the American Foundation for the Study of Man in 1952
Mosque containing the Mazar of the prophet Aila (Peace be upon him) on the western slopes of the Lebanon mountains overlooking the Baqa'a Valley in Lebanon .
Some scholars believe that the prophet Idris (Peace be upon him) and prophet Seth (Peace be upon him) to have been buried in the two largest pyramids on the Giza plateau near Cairo . It is also said that Sabaians from Harran made pilgrimage to Giza and offered sacrifices there because they believed the pyramids were the Mazars of these two prophets.
The Seal of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in TopKapy Museum in Turkey

Mazar Mubarak Moazzin-e-Rasool, Hazrat Bilal Al Habashy (May Allah be pleased with him) in the Bab al-Saghir Cemetery to the south of the old city in Damascus , Syria .
Mazar of Hazrat Jafar Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him), the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) near the city of Mu'tah in southern Jordan.
Mazar of Hazrat Hafsa (May Allah be pleased with her) in the Bab al-Saghir Cemetery south of the old city of Damascus .
Mosque of Imam Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) in central Cairo . According to one narration, the head of Imam Hussain was brought here from Karbala and buried here.
According to some Muslim sources, the head of Imam Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) was discovered in Asqalan (Ashkelon) and brought to Cairo where a mosque and Mazar was built to house it.

Mazar and Mosque of Hazrat Nafisa binte Hassan (May Allah be pleased with her) in Cairo , Egypt
Sayyida Zaynab (Salamullah- e-Alaiha) Mosque in Cairo , Egypt
Mazar of Hazrat Sayyida Zaynab (May Allah be pleased with her) in Cairo , Egypt .
A scene of Jannatul Muallh in Makkah before the demolishing in Saudi Arabia
Mazar Hazrat Nafisa binte Hassan (May Allah be pleased with her) in Cairo

Mountain where Ameer ul Mo'mineen Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Ameer Muawiyyah (May Allah be pleased with him) met to adjudicate an end to their armed conflict over the right to the Caliphate. Located in southern area, near Mutah, of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Mazar of great Sufi Shaikh-e-Akbar Hazrat Muhyyuddin Ibn Arabi encased in glass in the lower level of a mosque at the bottom of Mount Qasyun in Damascus . There are Mazarat of other Aulia Allah
This is the Mazar of the mother of Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah's mercy upon him) located just to the north of the large complex of Mazarat associated with Hazrat Bahaudddin Naqshbandi. Nearby this Mazar is a tree said to be grown from one of the round beads taken from Hazrat Bahauddin's prayer beads that he brought back from his pilgrimage to Makkah. Also nearby is a reconstruction of the house where it is said that Hazrat Bahauddin grew up with his mother.
Portion of this vast graveyard said to be where close to 10,000 people were buried, among them many of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) sent into battle by the Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr us Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him) in 633 CE to fight against the false prophets such as Musailma Kazzab and Ansi, etc. This is near Fujaira, in the United Arab Emirates .
The Qabr (grave) of Hazrat Imam Bukhari (May Allah's blessings upon him) is part of a completely refurbished shrine just outside of the city of Bukhara . Imam Bukhari is best known for his authoritative collection of the sayings (Hadith) of the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), but also authored other works on the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and the transmission of his sayings including a large biographical dictionary of the transmitters mentioned in his hadith collection

Mazar of Hazrat Imam Bukhari (May Allah's blessings' upon him) located inside of the large courtyard of the main shrine complex in Bukhara .
Mosque housing the Mazar of Hazrat Abu Ubaydah Ibn Jarah (May Allah be pleased with him) in the town of Abu Ubaydah in the Jordan valley just East of the Jordan River
Mazar Hazrat Imam Al Shafi'i (May Allah be pleased with him) in Cairo .
The outside view of the Mazar of Hazrat Imam Al-Shafi'i (May Allah be pleased with him) in the Shafi'i Mosque in Cairo .
Mazar of Hazrat Qadi Iyyad (May Allah be pleased with him), a prominent Maliki jurist whose body was moved to Marrakech from its original resting place in Spain .

Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) birthplace in Makkah. Saudi government converted the place into a Library. Recently, Saudi's has announced that they will be demolishing this holy site and replacing it with a high rise hotel / shopping centre.
The footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) (Peace be upon him) inside Maqam-e-Ibrahim in Makkah.
Entrance to the Mazar of Hazrat Qadi Iyyad (May Allah be pleased with him) in Marrakech
This rock holds 14 camel-hoof-shaped prints supposed to have been left by the she-camel of Hazrat Prophet Salih (Peace be upon him), and two marks apparently made by Hazrat Salih's rod.
The rock on the left has been preserved in this Museum in Salalah , Oman . This building is located in downtown Salalah in the Dhofar region of eastern Oman

Mosque housing the Mazar of Hazrat Sayyid al-Badawi in Tanta , in the Delta region of northern Egypt . There is also a chamber that houses the two footprints of the prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) preserved on a single black stone.
A very old photograph of Masjid Al Nabawi in Madinah
This is the cave of Uhad . Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed and took some rest here during the battle of Uhad.
Maqam-e-Ibrahim used to be under this shed. This has been now removed in order to make room for Tawaf of Ka'ba.
In Topkapy museum, Turkey , this box contains the soil from the Qabr-e-Anwar (grave) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
An old photograph of Ka'ba. Ordinary people used to have access to the inside of Ka'ba but now it is available to only Kings and highly connected government officials
A Very old door of Ka'ba in Topkapy Museum
Jade casket of King Timur surrounded by members of his family and other prominent figures from Timurid rule in Central Asia . The Qabr is housed in the Bibi Khan mosque in Samarqand
The gushing water of Zam Zam. People do not have access to this site any more.
An old photograph of the city of Makkah . On the right was the house of Hazrat Abdullah and Hazrat Aminah where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born.

The sacred mantle of Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) with his sacred blood when he was martyred in Karbala . This mantle is in Topkapy museum, Turkey